Founder Kristi Talagan, Education Consultants Inc. DBA Bud Education

In the past three decades, I have worked as an educator and administrator in Chelsea, Massachusetts. My responsibilities included overseeing the school's safety and security. Other responsibilities of my role included writing state and federal policies and procedures aligned with regulations. My specialties lie in systems analysis, curriculum design, crisis intervention, educational law, behavior management, substance abuse, Restorative Justice, and social-emotional learning. I received training from the FBI headquarters in Chelsea, Massachusetts, on internet-based threats and hacking. During my career, I worked closely with the Chelsea Police Department, the Department of Justice, and the Massachusetts General Hospital.

As an adjunct professor at a local Boston college, I develop and teach classes in the Workforce and Development Department. I have taught safety practices and workplace development in large manufacturing plants such as Kayem Foods. I have received grants and awards from the Massachusetts Governor's Office for Workforce and Development and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for my innovative curriculum.

RVT was developed using a Universal Design Language. To understand complicated (regulatory) information, UDL methods can help remove barriers.

It's no secret that I'm swamped! My favorite pastimes include gardening and spending time with family and friends.

The Responsible Vendor Training curriculum has been utilized by over 15,000 agents in the cannabis industry.

Kristi Talagan, M.Ed,RVT #453123

To help you become a "Responsible Vendor," we offer a deep dive into compliance training.

Our courses fulfill all Massachusetts annual training requirements as specified in Chapter 55 of the Acts of 2017, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 94G, 935 CMR 500.000, and other state cannabis regulations.

Our New Jersey program complies with the requirements for New Jersey business agent training.

Our Rhode Island program meets the standards for Rhode Island agent training.

Our Responsible Vendor Training satisfies all Maryland requirements.

Kristi Talagan M.Ed., Lori Lima, R.N.
Office Phone: 781-429-7540