"Planting the Seeds of Responsible Dispensing

Online self-paced, web-hosted, or In-person

English or Spanish option

New Jersey RVT

The key to selling cannabis in New Jersey safely and responsibly is through the New Jersey Responsible Vendor Training (RVT). It's like a superhero shield against potential problems for both the public and the cannabis industry. The Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) has the power to establish and enforce vendor regulations, and it takes training seriously.

The RVT program is like a crash course in everything cannabis. It covers the legal requirements for selling cannabis, product info, labeling, packaging, and rules around cannabis consumption and possession. And guess what? The training is mandatory for anyone looking to get a New Jersey Cannabis Business Identification (ID) Card.

The training program is no snooze fest either! From the history of cannabis to cultivation techniques, packaging, advertising, medical use, and even the risks of cannabis use, including dependency, the training has it all. And on top of that, it provides an in-depth look at New Jersey's cannabis laws and regulations. So, buckle up and get ready for some serious cannabis knowledge!

What Makes Us Different?

Our curriculum is designed based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines, ensuring an optimal educational experience for all learners. By following scientific insights into learning, we have crafted a structured curriculum with manageable units, facilitating comprehension and practical application of knowledge in the workplace.

It's crucial to understand that not all online training programs are created equal. To empower you to make an informed decision, we offer you the opportunity to try our online program at no cost. Unlike other compliance programs, ours goes beyond a simple drag-and-drop experience.

Throughout the program, participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the critical regulations in Massachusetts and develop a strong understanding of customer interaction. These regulations form the foundation for the safe and responsible sale of marijuana and marijuana products throughout the supply chain.

You Do
Send us a list of employees and their emails to [email protected].
Give us a preferred start and end date for training.
Love our budget friendly price.

We Do
We will enroll, track, monitor, and communicate employees' progress in real-time through our shared database. You will receive time and date stamped certificates for your files upon completion. You can be confident that your training information is up-to-date and can be shared upon inspection. We make it easy.

They Do
Upload ID
Sign attestation form
Pass quizzes and final with 70% or better 
Receive five training hours
Receive a Certificate upon completion
Apply understandings to the workplace

For More Information On Our Budget Friendly Program

Go to the "Contact Us" button at the top of this page

Or contact us at [email protected]

Call us at 781-429-7540